Block flange adapter for plain pipes or saddle flange or block flange adapter for jacketed pipes
Features- For welding into pipes DN 15 ... DN 80 (block flange).
- For welding onto pipes DN 65 ... DN 150 or DN 2 ½" ... 6" (saddle flange).
- For diaphragm seal model 990.15.
- Protect Pressure instrument from corrosive, Contaminated or viscous media. Adapter flange for Diaphragm Seal to be welded into pipe.
- Internal welded Diaphragm to fit into block flange, Requires hydraulic fluid to transmit Pressure to instrument
Process Connection
- Butt weld, socket weld or flanged ends up to 2"
Instrument Connection
- Capillary, 1/2" or 1/4" NPT Female
Suitable Pressure Ranges (MWP 2800 PSI at 250° F)
- 15 psi to 2800 psi
Available Options (Connections, Materials, Etc.)
- See Selection Guide (Over)
- For welding into the product or heating pipeline in order to provide a measuring point connection (block flange adapter)
- For welding onto the product pipeline in order to provide a measuring point connection (saddle flange)
- Process industry
- Petrochemical industry