The Model TXI7850 Transducer is an electronically controlled pressure sensitive device that converts a current signal to a pneumatic output.
This device is composed of the Primary Converting Section and the Relay Section. The Piezoelectric ceramic disk in the Primary Section functions as a flapper. The flapper and the nozzle work together to control the signal pressure in the Relay Section.
The signal pressure acts on a diaphragm assembly that controls the pressure in the output chamber.
Temperature Range
- -40° to + 160° F, (-40° to + 71.2° C)
- -40° to + 180° F, (-40° to + 82.2° C)
Accuracy (ISA S51.1)
- 0.25 % Full Scale Guaranteed
- 0.15 % Full Scale Typical
Temperature Effect
- [+0.5 % +0.04 % / of Temperature Change] of Span typical