TURCK's IM series of Isolating Intrinsically-Safe Barriers is designed to be a simple and safe way to solve the
problems associated with the installation of equipment that is used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
TURCK's IM series uses the Intrinsically-Safe concept that is universally accepted, easy to apply and the safest
way to install electronic measuring, monitoring and control equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres.
The IM series uses state-of-the-art circuitry and the latest technology to produce a product that
provides the best explosion protection interfaces on the market.
The IM series of Intrinsically-Safe Interface Devices is application specific: Each device is designed to work in a
specific application, be it analog input, analog output, discrete input, discrete output or others.
TURCK designed the IM series to handle most applications where instrumentation and controls are typically installed in potentially explosive
atmospheres, reducing the number of model variations of spares consolidates stocking requirments and making inventory control simpler.
Intrinsic safety has come of age with the introduction of the IM series of Intrinsically-Safe Isolating Barriers, making
IS applications in potentially explosive atmospheres safe, simple and economically attractive.
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